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Buying Guide

3 Options When Buying a Used Outboard:

1.  Private Sale (high risk) - you have absolutely no idea the true condition of the motor.  You are essentially gambling your money on the word of a complete stranger.  YOU are responsible for getting the motor tuned up to a point where it is reliable.  This is expensive, time-consuming, and very frustrating.

2.  Another Shop (high risk) - where 99% of shops are simply 'flipping' used motors.  They receive an old motor and send it out the door as long as it starts and runs on a garden hose in the driveway.  YOU are responsible for the costs of tuning up the motor.  There are numerous unscrupulous shops out there doing this and selling these motors without any service history for more than Riverside Outboards!

3.  Riverside Outboards (Safest Option) - your motor is demonstrated working properly and has gone through an extenstive tune up and testing process.  The only way to truly test a motor is by installing it on a boat and/or running it under load.  This is what I do prior to selling motors.

How The Repair Process Works at
Riverside Outboards

Type of Repair
Functional test: general function of the motor not related to running performance such as the swivel bracket, tiller arm, stern bracket, and motor mounts.
Pump, lines, carburetor(s) cleaned, filters replaced as needed, injectors checked for pairing with EMM, cleaned if necessary with new seal kits & filters.
Impeller & thermostat replaced as needed, digital thermometer evaluation for proper function (supercedes original OEM evaluations) UNDER LOAD
Spark gap strength evaluated, components replaced as necessary (CDI & Magneto systems), remote wiring harness replaced as needed.  Read EMM and fault code history on engine.  Resolve any current faults.
LOAD and BOAT tested as needed, seals tested & replaced, new oil, smaller gearcases are rebuilt with gears & bearings visually inspected.  Prop is load tested for spun hubs then reconditioned & repainted. 
Compression test, intake manifold, leaf plates, cranks/rods/bearings, intake/exhaust bypass, head gaskets, thermostat gaskets examined, replaced.
Most motors are repainted with Moeller marine paint that resists oil & gasoline exposure, and are in OEM colors.  This generally includes 3-4 coats of paint & 2-3 coats of clear.  New stickers or preserved original graphics.  Reproduction decals available for an additional $110.00.
Fuel & Ignition systems syncronized for best economy & idling; motors run under typical conditions to evaluate real-world performance.  Boat installations have tachometer evaluations for prop size recommendations based on conversations with customer.  Please be prepaired to have conversations about this.  Incorrect prop selection leads to premature motor failure.  TPS recalibrated.
Motors aren't made available until I feel comfortable using them personally.
There are absolutely no warrantees on a used motor - there is no such thing.  I provide a 30-day no-hassle offer after motors are sold.  Click here to read how this works.

How To Buy From Riverside Outboard
  1. Find out the maximum horsepower (HP) rating for your boat, including the depth of the transom.
  2. Review the types of motors and costs on the for sale page.
  3. Call in your order, 603-210-5095 to place a deposit and hold a motor.
  4. Ask any questions to be sure you are selecting the correct motor based on where and how you intend to use your boat.  Generally we will have a conversation or two prior to you placing an order to help insure it is a good fit to work together and you are buying a motor that is a good fit for your boat and expectations.
Why Buy From Riverside Outboards?
  • You get to buy a motor that you know what has been done to it and it's current status.
  • 2-stroke motors weigh 30-50% less than 4-stroke motors
  • 2-stroke motors have more power per cycle, and many less moving parts
  • The cost of a used outboard is about 75% less than a new outboard
  • Replacing components generally costs less on used outboards
  • 2-stroke motors run, and run, and run with appropriate normal maintenence
  • 4-STROKE MOTORS ARE EXPENSIVE TO FIX & MAINTAIN, and less durable than 2-stroke motors.
Reconditioned Outboard Sales include:
  • Demonstrated working properly at all throttle ranges.
  • Orientation & Introduction of How to Start and Operate the Motor Properly
  • Instructions on Proper Maintenence
  • Sales Contract with plain verbiage (must be completed before final sale)
  • Operators Manual (free download)
  • Questions answered as needed
  • 30-day free tune ups if needed* (click for exclusions).  This is NOT a warrantee, there is no such thing as a warrantee on a used outboard.
What Riverside Outboards Does
  • DOES NOT "flip" motors. 
  • Specializes in ETEC, Evinrude, & Johnson outboards, and provides general service for all brands.
  • Sells reconditioned 2-stroke motors, offers winterization for all brands, shrinkwrap & storage of vessels.
  • Expects you to read the owners manual and guides for the motor you purchase, & use appropriate care.

Does The Year Of The Engine Matter?

No, the condition is what matters.  Outboard motors are not the same as cars or trucks.  Automobiles are generally used everyday; outboard motors are used, in many instances, for 10-20 hours annually.   Most motors are tested during their design stages to withstand up to 1,000 hours of continuous running at wide open throttle (as fast as possible, high RPM, high stress). 

The condition of the powerhead and gearcase are most important; the other systems (cooling, fuel, ignition) are all perishable and will need to be serviced and renewed at regular intervals as part of the normal maintenence schedule.

Unlike the majority of used motor sellers, engines sold by Riverside Outboards LLC have already had all the necessary servicework performed, and the powerhead and gearcase are thoroughly evaluated to be functioning properly. 

In most cases the price to buy a reconditioned motor from Riverside Outboards is less than motors sold by 'flippers' who haven't even serviced the engine at all!  Don't worry as much about the year, pay attention to the condition!

New Buyer's Quiz

If you're new to boats, it's important you understand what you're doing before you buy a motor.  Owning a boat and a motor require basic skills for safe operation for both you and your passengers.  If you're willing to learn, being able to safely boat can open up an entirely new world to you for exploring waterways, fishing, and seeing things most others never will.  I strongly recommend reading and understanding the following information if you've never owned a motor or boat before.  There are some people who frankly, don't belong in boats or anywhere near motors, just like some people shouldn't ride a motorcycle, or snowmobile, or skydive.  Sailers don't necessarily know anything about motor operation.  Boating isn't like hopping in your car and turning the key, there is more to it than that.  There are plenty of bad operators who drive a car for years, even after passing driver's education and getting their state license!

When you leave shore in a vessel, you're for the most part on your own.  And if you are using a motor 25hp or below (for most states), you don't even need a boater's license!  So please make sure you are ready to commit to learning how to use a boat, and more importantly, how to operate an outboard motor safely.  It's that much more important to make sure you know what you're doing ahead of time.  I highly recommend taking a safe boaters course available through your local state licensing agency (most states require this for motors above 25hp anyway, even though it is rarely enforced).  I also recommend purchasing a membership to SeaTow (basically the AAA of the waterways) if you plan on going out on larger water bodies.  Towing costs are obscene, to say the least, if you ever get stranded, run out of gas, etc.

Can you answer these questions?  If not, please go to the education section of my website and read.  Answers at the bottom of the page.

1.  In a carbureted 2-stroke motor, you should use clean straight gas to run it.

a.  True
b.  False

2.  The Starboard side of a boat is the equivalent of the ___________  side.

a.  Right
b.  Left
c.  front
d.  rear

3.  When shifting, you should move the shift lever ___________

a.  slowly, to prevent undue gear wear
b.  quickly, to prevent undue gear wear

4.  A motor choke does what?

a.  richens air input, leans out fuel mixture
b.  reduces air input, leans out fuel mixture
c.  richens air input, richens fuel mixture
d.  reduces air input, richens air fuel mixture

5.  When transporting an outboard off your boat, you should lie it down

a.  on the tiller side
b.  on the shifter side
c.  on the control panel side
d.  on the back/prop side

Quiz Answers:  B, A, B, D, D.  These are very basic questions, if you have any incorrect, please read the education section and the operator's manuals I include for free on this website!
603-210-5095 SHIPPING MOTORS NOT AVAILABLE.  ©2025 Riverside Outboards LLC. All Rights Reserved.